HASKEL engineer to unveil new hydrogen technology


An engineer from high pressure pump and valve manufacturer Haskel is to unveil new technology at the 2018 Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Energy Summit.

Product Engineer Pooya Mahmoundian will be a featured event speaker and during his presentation will unveil a new technology developed to address specific industry challenges.

At the 2018 summit, Mahmoundian’s presentation – entitled “Design approaches to prevent hydrogen (H2) induced crack growth in pressure vessels and the related changes in the ASME PVC Sec VIII, Div 3” – will share details of the vessel design as well as explain the changes that the ASME, the U.S. regulatory body for the pressure vessel market, has made to its testing and audit protocols as a result of the new technology. By eliminating the need for repeated testing and required alloys for the metallurgical prevention method of H2 embrittlement, Haskel’s new vessel design could greatly reduce manufacturers’ costs across the U.S. – with hope of seeing similar regulatory changes across Europe and Asia over the next year.

In a press release the company said, “Haskel, a longstanding player in the H2 market, is highly invested in compression technology research, as well as research on the H2 refuelling process, arguably the most challenging aspect of fuel cell technology. The company’s engineers, including Mahmoudian, developed a new innovative technology in conjunction with the U.S. Army as part of a Collaborative Technology and Research Agreement.”

“Because it solves a major issue for many manufacturers, this project has the potential to dramatically impact costs for those developing and operating H2 refuelling stations.

Under current regulations, H2 refuelling station manufacturers must run tests to ensure and certify that equipment and the corresponding refueling process do not result in H2 embrittlement.”

“Haskel engineers dedicated more than six months of development to solving this challenge and were able to design a new pressure vessel to mitigate H2 embrittlement without costly exotic and hard to source metal alloys, which are preferred and often specified in this type of application.”The 2018 summit takes place in Brussels, Beglium, from 24th to 25th January.